C&W response to ad appearing in the UK online


C&W response to ad: “In response to an online ad to fill a position at BTC currently circulating, CWC/LIME would like to release the following statement:

It is an ad to hire a Bahamian person on an interim basis to advise CWC/LIME as we are working on the transaction. The ad is for a short-term consulting appointment and is not for a BTC employee.”


  1. BP, some die hard PLPs (who only want POWER and to give BTC to Bluewater aka themselves) and some BTC employees who do not like to work are the only ones make noise. Majority of Bahamians are saying let the privatization process move on.

  2. I am still somewhat amazed at how tone deaf the FNM government is on this issue.

    Do they really believe that all the noise and discontent is stemming from the unions only? Are they so out of touch that they cant see how feed up the nation is at the poor governance?

  3. What this shows is C&W’s pure contempt for the Bahamian. Like they said, they have been in the Caribbean for years and they know the nature of the leaders who look out for self and family and not country. Clearly, as far as they’re concerned, this is a done deal. They KNOW that these leaders could care less about the Bahamian opposition to C&W. This is back to the old colonial days. So, while Julian Francis and the Tribune are saying that BAHAMIANS at BTC are overpaid, C&W is advertising to pay someone more than A THOUSAND DOLLARS PER DAY to come here. I’m sure Papa and Mr. Francis have no problems with that as long as no Bahamians apply. This is why we must stand together against this C&W – ALL Bahamians are threatened by C&W. They have a colonial mentality where they are master and we are servants. Our leaders agree but in 2011 they can only enslave us if we let them. It’s time for Flight or Fight.

  4. @ Grouper Mouth Wisdom, yes you are so wise my friend. This is just one of the smoke screens the FNM has deployed to turn the eyes of Bahamians away from the Chinese. After this “GIFT” in the form of a stadium is complete then we will see who is really in control. It is so sad what is going on when we as Bahamians are having our birth right sold to foreigners and the leaders have no concern.

  5. ok now get this C&W says:

    “In response to an online ad to fill a position at BTC currently circulating, CWC/LIME would like to release the following statement:

    It is an ad to hire a Bahamian person on an interim basis to advise CWC/LIME as we are working on the transaction. The ad is for a short-term consulting appointment and is not for a BTC employee.”

    lets study their ad and it’s content.

    their ad says:

    Strong experience in developing communications strategy in post acquisition, high change / transformational environments

    OK all you Bahamians who search for a post acquisition, high change / transformational environment job in the bahamas but advertised in the UK, raise your F*&^%^ Hand.

    shit, all you Bahamians who know a bahamian who held a senior level Head of or Director level Communications role in a large, multinational organisation in a post acquisition, high change / transformational environment with Strong media network and cultural understanding in the Caribbean region and is degree qualified with a minimum of 10 years experience and have never worked for BTC.

    please stand and raise your hand.

    Cable and Wireless must have been told by Ingraham, Laing, Francis, Donaldson and the FNM Cabinet that ALL F&^%$G BAHAMIANS ARE IDIOTS.

    why they didn’t throw in the qualifications that they also had to be born post 2012.

    is there a charge greater than TREASON they can be charge with. Is their a penalty on the books more severe than death that we can impose.

    • Back in the good old days we (Bahamian citizens)would not have been able to prove this attempted deception. But thank God for skilled Bahamians like yourself, they (C&W et al.) are defeated at the gate and shall not be allowed to pass!
      They are clearly in our sights and we can NOT miss!

  6. If these people een even set up shop good yet, and already start lyin to the Bahamian people – God help the BTC employees cause they are in for very rude awakening.

    The government have sold us out, may God have mercy on us all.

  7. how could the FNM government tell the Bahamian people BTC hasnt been sold, when the buyer in question is behaving like they have already bought it?

    Papa and company lying straight true.

  8. Talk about shooting yaself in the foot. Cable and Wireless hiring a Bahamian for a job in the Bahamas, but it is not for BTC? Nah this some RAT DROPPINGS EH? And the position is being searched in the UK? If ya want a Bahamian why the ad isn’t in the local dutty Tribune? Some people have no DAMN SHAME!


    PS: Hubert Done SELL BTC we only going through the motion.

    • Thank you very much the position that is being advertised the monies is in pounds. Tell me the last time pounds was use in the Bahamas. This BTC situation will be like the General Election in 2002. Make my words.

      • I wonder if that Marlin Johnson position they were advertising. Boy Marlin ya better go apply for ya own Job. Cable and Wireless taking over and Papa laughin at yall!


  9. Why post the position in Europe on a London based Executive Job site if they wanted to hire a Bahamian? Does this make sense?


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