Energy Minister Coleby-Davis resumes BPL listening tour on Abaco

Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis on Abaco meeting with staff.

NASSAU, The Bahamas — As the Government of The Bahamas continues efforts to bring down the cost of electricity, Minister of Transport and Energy, the Hon. JoBeth Coleby-Davis resumed her listening tour with Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) staff members on the island of Abaco, September 11, 2024.

Joining Minister Coleby-Davis on the listening tour were Member of Parliament for North Abaco, Kirk Cornish; BPL CEO, Schevon Cambridge; BPL Deputy Board Chairman, Dylan Sawyer; and other BPL officials.

During the visit, Minister Coleby-Davis engaged staff members in a closed-door forum and toured plants in Wilson City and Marsh Harbour. 

The minister expressed that the government is committed to providing affordable and reliable electricity for all Bahamians.

(BIS Photos/Anthon Thompson)