UNMITIGATED, UNCHRISTIAN, and UNGODLY LIE on the Prime Minister has landed a Crisis Moment inside the FNM! Party cannot speak the Truth!
Reduced numbers and poor turnout of party supports now leave open the question of Leadership inside the FNM!
Nassau, Bahamas — Fallout has come from inside the FNM camp following the statement of the Party Chairman and, from what is told to us, Pintard cannot speak.
Sources deep inside the FNM tell us since the loose lips of Pintard, which now has forced the matter to be taken to the courts, the struggling tip down opposition party has gone into silence mode.
“We have to put in some protocols before anyone can speak now. And when you speak to the media you must speak facts! NOT LIES! This could be our downfall if we do not correct this huge mistake. No one will take us seriously if we keep lying to the public,” an FNM insider told BP.
The big jack up came after Pintard released a statement delivering an UNMITIGATED, UNCHRISTIAN, and UNGODLY LIE on the Prime Minister! The last time Mr. Christie went to court he took home a whopping half a million dollars! Christie been to a good school!
BP ain’t want to repeat the lie because we sure ain’t looking to get sued from the man who running the country!
All we say to the FNM who wrote the lying release is this: next time seek a Psychiatric Evaluation first before making statements in the press, and take whatever meds that may be prescribed for you before picking up the pen.
A word to the wise is sufficient!