
<<< Bernard J.Nottage, MP for Bain and Grants Town.

Call it fraudulent all you want, but we at Bahamas Press says it is CRIMINAL! For weeks now an imposter using the name Bernard “BJ” Notttage, the MP for
Bain and Grants Town, has lured bloggers onto the popular facebook website with many believing it was indeed BJ. Far from it! We at Bahamas Press have discovered that the person behind the name was NOT the sitting MP.

Bahamas Press finds it UNCHRISTIAN, utterly UNGODLY and downright “VICKED” for someone to do such a thing in the name of a honourable member of the House of Assembly! It was only about two weeks ago the imposter requested Bahamas Press to add the supposed opposition leader in the Parliament to our Facebook page. The individual pretended to be Nottage and fielded questions to our webmaster in hopes to gather information of news from our website (

At one point in the chats, the imposter talked about concerns of the direction of the PLP and noted that it would be his turn to make a bid in the next PLP convention to overthrow the leader of the PLP – describing Christie as having “WEAK LEADERSHIP”! My, My even PLP web doctors are cussing Christie under their breath!

It was at this point that Bahamas Press’ webmaster became concerned with the tone and direction of the conversation and therefore decided to question the imposter’s knowledge of the now sitting member of Bain and Grant’s Town. The imposter then signed off, unable to answer the questions being put to him. Upon further pressing as we sent more emails, the imposter then confirmed that they operated the facebook page on behalf of the MP. But made conversation to bloggers suggesting that he was indeed BJ! Hmmmmmm!3047_1132464439464_1462878225_30341953_2525962_n

Bahamas Press finds this deceptive behaviour by such a person as GROSSLY dishonest! Again, a trait that has plagued members of the opposition PLP for many years! It is this same VICKED DECEPTIVE behaviour that has landed members of the PLP in Opposition TODAY! For IT IS A MATTER OF TRUST!

Bahamas Press cries, UTTER SHAME and DIGRACE on that imposter, who to this day has yet to notify more than 356 persons that are friends on Bernard BJ Nottage’s facebook page. That being the case, we wonder what other conversations have been entered into, in the name of the PLP MP with other persons on that BLOG!

WHAT A SHAME!!!! We’ll wait to hear form the PLP MP on this.


  1. Obviously those puff pieces posted this morning can not be the breaking news that prohibited the part 2 on Dr. Nottage so we all are still waiting. BP must have found out who kill Harry Oakes for the long a wait for a story.

  2. Jr I love that word doo doo hadnt heard it for years.Great adjective for incompetent persons.Wuthless another great adjective but unfortunately our PM is proving himself to be just that.Sorry TP and Joe Blow just couldnt resist lolo.

  3. media :
    We will abort this article for now, something else is Breaking and needs our URGENT ATTENTION… We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    What the matter Media? Can’t walk and chew gum at the same time? Since when have you reduced your updates to one hot post per day, especially since you had your back up like you had something to deliver? Maybe there was nothing to begin with. Maybe this was just some posturing to get the good Doctor to pay attention to you. Whatever it is, its proof that this was much ado about nothing to begin with and remains much ado about nothing now. Furthermore, if you had some dirt on Dr. Nottage, why wait for some apology that you knew was never coming to reveal it? You don’t need an excuse to drop the bomb on other people so why the big set up and let down now? I told you guys it was all talk and no action and mostly smoke. Boy Drama, you should be glad we didn’t bet on this one. I know this much, I kept my promise. I wasn’t missing the Lakers win for this and sure enough, I was right again.

    On the FNM thing, answer me this one BP. You know who the strategists is for the FNM. Who is the strategist for the PLP and what are they doing to get the party ready if this is true? Shouldn’t they already be out there working if that is the case? What constituency will be up for grabs and can you explain why exactly would Ingraham trust his luck on a bi-election knowing that right now ain’t nobody into him? I would love a follow up to the story addressing these concerns because thats what people like me want to know. I think if the FNM does go for it, they’ll be gambling on the PLP not being ready and not having the right strategist in place. The ones they had last election should be banished from the party forever because they weren’t worth doo doo.

  4. Now this was not expected something else is breaking after promising an expose on BJ Nottage and the fracturing of the PLP. Whatever is breaking must be a hot story. Waiting for that one, although how you was hyping “Sunday at 3pm” since last week I thought you would have been coming tough but anyway since duty calls I guess. This have to be a hot story, hotter that Dr. Nottage and facebook.

  5. @Truth
    We will abort this article for now, something else is Breaking and needs our URGENT ATTENTION… We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. @Connie
    Well trust is Connie, we have never went up against the good Dr, but what we have t unleash on him THIS SUNDAY AT 3PM, will damage every chance he has this October.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. I don’t do stout Drama. Just wondering if I’m the only one who see this as a bit weird and incomplete. something missing here.

    • Well keep saying something missing until we fill in the blanks on Sunday at 3PM. WE TOLD THE PLP THEY WILL LOSE THE NEXT ELECTION! And Sunday we will tell you why.


  8. @Connie
    Connie my comments arent weird. You have a choice, right? Also its Friday and I have had two Kaliks and one Strong Back under my belt so I cant think as deep as you right now. Lets just say I feel Media made a good choice to flush out the imposter as the person CLAIMED TO BE BJ NOTTAGE and not someone writing for him.

  9. Drama King :The good thing, Media, is that all of Connie and JR and dem have a choice. They can visit other sites and get satisfaction or go to Canada like Joe Blow….tee hee….

    This statement is really weird seeing that the whole objective of this site is to “show up the wutless media” and would be nothing if not for the commentary capabilities. Now I have an open mind as the archives of this site will prove but I see not basis for this story unless we are not being told that whole story about this facebook thing. It is also puzzling to me how someone writing an article can possibly tie in this facebook thing with the PLP and them being fractured. This story needs to be revised and quick so that the point that the writer is trying to make comes across better. Because quite frankly but the statement that media made about him know that some MPs have moderators for their facebook site I do not see have he can call someone else doing the exact same thing an imposter.

    Now usually I can agree with anyone on at least something but I don’t get this. And for part 2 please let it be better than those corny Christie must go pieces that you usually make us wait for. Great site though.

  10. Media, you did it again. You say you ain’t following the Tex thing but you also say you leave it for the Tribune. How would you know it was the Tribune if you weren’t following it? Your reason is really not holding water and even if it is a case of him fronting for someone name Hubert, thats still a story you should be following because The Tribune’s story don’t mention nothing like that. You got scooped, simple and plain and like the monkey and grapes, you calling it sour because you didn’t get there first. Write your story man. getting there first isn’t the whole prize, getting it right is.

    Now again I have to ask you how someone pretending to BJ on Facebook could equal the PLP being fractured? Where is the connection? Oh wait, you want me to wait til 3 PM on Sunday. Riiiiight. Whatever man, this is really tired and you can’t be serious if you think you are going to string people along for another opinion piece on the same PLP again. Like I said, whatever.

    So how’s the boycott coming along anyway? My bad, I forgot I have to wait til Sunday. Don’t count on it Media, I’ll be watching the Celtics and Lakers in two game 7s and I’m betting that I won’t be the only one. Come with your story and be done.

  11. @JR
    Oh you believe we are not on to something here JR? Well you just wait and see. Coming this Sunday, you shall see. Here’s a snap-shot into the headline, “PLP WILL FRACTURE BEYOND REPAIR THIS CONVENTION” and we will show you the details of just what we mean. We’ll unleach skullduggery behind it all. WATCH OUT PEOPLE this ga be a rough one. And BJ will be at the centre of it all. See Jr, we know some things PLPs trying to figure out. Stay Tuned, this Sunday at 3PM.

    On the Tex thing, listen, we don’t follow the Tribune, that’s for yinner who have time to read it. WE DON’T! In fact, if you know, anything about the subject you’ll know, NO land is approved unless the Prime Minister issues it. And that’s why the Minister of Finance – even under Christie – has always assigned as the minister with responsibility for crown/gov’t land.

    TEX is just taking the fault for the other fella name HUBERT. HE WAS ALWAYS SELLING THE LAND, he just made plenty a yinner who read the Toilet Paper a lot, believe it wasn’t him.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. Drama King :
    The good thing, Media, is that all of Connie and JR and dem have a choice. They can visit other sites and get satisfaction or go to Canada like Joe Blow….tee hee….

    Drama, are you saying that to poke holes in a story that is really inconsistent or just doesn’t sound right means that we should go elsewhere? Whatever happened to critical thinking and questioning what you read or hear on the grapevine? Are we to simply take it all in as the gospel truth, especially in this case where it is based on a conversation that supposedly happened between Media and BJ? You shouldn’t try to intimidate people who are only thinking for themselves my brother. Media knows this is the drill whenever things don’t add up to me and just like they did in the past, the only thing they need to do is put the evidence on the table. I don’t know why they trying to string this thing out to Sunday because nobody is going to be into this by then. We’ll be watching the game and see whatever BP posts on Monday morning. You may as well get it over with one time while we still give two hoots.

  13. Thank you Russell for making the point I was trying to make to BP. They are talking about me being all over the place when all I am saying is that once again, we are tied up to what amounts to nothing more than a BS story that affects no one one way or the other and the big story has been happening right under BP’s nose and not a single word has come from them regarding it. This isn’t the first time that has happened and thats why I am wondering why the interest in the BJ thing when you have real stories going on. Tex Turnquest is a land thief. Omar Archer tried to make a name for himself talking about land but gave up when he started getting in trouble. Now Tex has resigned because Perry caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. That is what people want to know about but I guess Media and BP are behind the eightball on this one because they were busy chasing BJ’s tail.

    Joe Blow was right that it is a nothing story. I do want to point out, however, that Media’s last comment is factually not true about BJ’s page. I added him as a friend and I can still see all of his photos. If BP got dropped as a friend, why are they shocked? Is this how friends treat each other? With friends like you, who needs enemies. I still think there are parts to this story not being told. Maybe I can get BJ (real or fake) to fill me in and I can bring it back to BP. In the meantime, why don’t you tell us what Hubert has to say about Tex tiefin the land and giving it to Sir Orville’s sweetheart.

  14. Good hearing from you Joe Blow am happy all is well with you.BP can we move on to the Tex Turnquest matter we have no reason to chime in on you and BJs past friendship which disinegrated when he returned to the PLP.Lets talk about all that land giveaway in Exuma.

  15. BJ UPDATE. The blog for BJ on Facebook has removed the photos of the MP and has also deleted Bahamas Press as one of its friends. Boy they mussy know what’s coming to them, THIS Sunday at 3PM.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. The good thing, Media, is that all of Connie and JR and dem have a choice. They can visit other sites and get satisfaction or go to Canada like Joe Blow….tee hee….

  17. I agree with Joe Blow this story is nothing serious. This imposter sounds to me to be no different than the moderators that media mentioned in his post. But I guess we all have to wait for the second part in what must be a scintilating story to some. If the only thing that you can bring to us these days is a facebook page thats a shame, but I will wait for part 2 to see if this story actually goes somewhere.

  18. @ Russell Johnson: Am in Canada but will return early June. Cannot get to this site until then. Do look in from time to time though. The above is “much ado about nothing.” Blessings to all!

  19. @JR
    Jr your all over the place, one second you talking about Carl, then Tex, then OMAR and BJ. We dealing with BJ’s Facebook imposter. And if he doesn’t see it as something in need of clarity, then by Sunday he would.

    Bahamas Press/Editor.

  20. This sounds personal to me. If fake BJ insulted you by pretending to be real BJ, then you need to take it up with him in the forum where the insult took place. Bringing it here makes it seem like you’re up to something else or are after something in particular. I understand that this is not like Carl and I understand the point you’re making. I meant that this incident is not at all worthy of the attention it is getting from you and it leave me wondering why. How come BP didn’t do anything on the Tex Turnquest thing where he was tiefin the land? Why Omar Archer ain’t around when you need him? Wasn’t he all over BP talking about save our land or was that just another publicity stunt from a wannabe politician? These are the things I expect to see on BP, not some Facebook drama man.

  21. @JR
    We never said JR that this is like the carl Bethel thingy, we said he should ask Carl Bethel how effective BP can be is dragging a minister down the street until he checks himself in to a HOSPITAL!

    On that note Connie, there will be a part 2 to this if we cannot be satisfied with the Member for Bain and Grant Town as to what is going on with his facebook page. Who is behind it if it is not indeed him, and why, WHY would he, AS THE DECENT MAN WE KNOW HIM TO BE, allow someone to imposter him on his facebook blog. That imposter be fired!

    We will nothing more to say on this, JUST READ PART 2 on Sunday at 3PM if we hear not from the MP before. It appears that his silence sends us a tone that he endorse what was done to other bloggers.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. @media
    Well then you answered my question but why would you not place that information into your story. If you know that MPs have “moderators” the Dr. Nottage’s didn’t just mess up. I sincerely do not understand the difference because unless you are video conferencing you can never conclusively say that other the other MPs are actually the people that you are taking to but then again you may have insider info. This story must have a part 2 coming because it is a little incomplete BP because if other MPs have “moderators” why is this guy an “imposter”.

  23. How would you know that for certain BP that this is the only case where the MP wasn’t the MP when they were Facebook? How could you sit there and say that is not so when you have no means of doing so? And wouldn’t the fake BJ be a dim bulb if he admitted to you he wasn’t BJ after “pretending that he was? Still doesn’t add up to me. I also don’t see how this is anywhere remotely close to anything Carl Bethel did. In fact, this isn’t even about BJ Nottage at all but you want him to apologize for something his admin did. BP, you really are trying too hard to get BJ on the floor with you and I have to ask you why? This is almost Christie territory you are approaching with this man. Whats the deallyo?

  24. @Connie
    Well you can take it light all you want Connie, but we WILL NOT rest on this issue until we hear from the M.P. BJ Nottage on this. Perhaps you should ask Carl Bethel on this.

    As a matter of FACT yes, there are many other MPs on Facebook, but none, NONE has persons who imposter them! THAT’s A FACT! They have moderators who confirm that it is not the MP, or the MP BE THEMSELVES and chat!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. This is a interesting story but it seems like the author has left out a very important point, and that is the fact that there are alot of politicians on facebook other the Dr. Nottage. Are they doing their own work on that site or are their assts. doing it for them. For instance just last night I show pics posted of Branville McCartney doing a walkabout was that him uploading those pics. Also I saw an ad on facebook for Hubert Minnis giving away basketballs, is that him personally doing that stuff or an asst. That point of this story is actually not as sensational as the author would make it seem. The same way that politician have speech writers is the same way that someone else may be posting pics etc. on their facebook pages. I am sure that this site has multiple contributors and I see that this site has a facebook page as well. So lets get the FULL STORY who else is on facebook that lets their asst. handle it in their name. This is not a PLP phenom so is that respect your story is politically skewed and that also begs that question why.

  26. Lol lo lo this has given me an idea as we were bombarded by the imposter Poitier a few days back who was using different names but his threatening language was the same.I guess politicians are the same having persons manage their facebook page.Nottage,s imposter is stupid as he should not have gotten involved in any conversation knowing that he might be asked questions he could not answer.Where is Joe Blow?Is he impersonating someone on this blog?lo lol.Joe please showup am missing debating you.

  27. And to the point of the various “Media”, I know like other readers, we can sometimes tell when someone else is doing it, unless you are bipolar. The Media I enjoy reading is usually cool with his readers, not snooty and snappy and threatening everyone and from time to time can display a sense of humor. Thats the Media who should be interacting with bloggers here because the mean and angry one is the one that turns readers like me off and force me to write these posts as if I’m advocating for the people BP is writing on. then I get accused of either being that person (LOL @ Drama) or of supporting the bad behavior of these people when that is not the case. So see Media, you have to have a clean front porch before you ask people to sweep up theirs.

  28. @Tristan
    Spokes persons don’t tell people, “I will be speaking in the House in the morning…..”

    A spokesperson would say, “The MP will be speaking in the morning….” BIG DIFFERENCE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  29. And if we the bloggers of Facebook cannot get an official apology, we will begin a BOYCOTT campaign of Bernard J Nottage’s facebook page ON SUNDAY, 17 MAY, 2009 @ 3PM!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  30. JR :

    Drama King :
    This is really quite sick and stupid. I cant believe people in the PLP would sink that low. That is awful! Truly awful! BJ Nottage should issue a public statement on this.

    Drama, do you think for a minute that any politician would issue a statement on somethig like this when clearly, there is only BP’s word to go on? No proof means no apology. I have to add Nottage and ask him if he’s the real BJ or find out something only he would know to prove it eh Media?

    Oh don’t test us on this JR, you know (as you know best) we have the email communications on this. We have the admission by the imposter, himself, after we caught him, with his DIRTY DRAWS DOWN! What a shame!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  31. Drama King :
    This is really quite sick and stupid. I cant believe people in the PLP would sink that low. That is awful! Truly awful! BJ Nottage should issue a public statement on this.

    Well DRAMA he better make a statement on it, or 200,000 people on this blog alone will certainly find NO TRUST on his facebook page! That individual must be fired, I wonder who else in the Bahamas he has pretended to as being Bernard J. Nottage?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  32. JR :Man if I was pretending to be Dr. Nottage I should be getting paid too. Where my money man? LOL. No Drama. Things have to make sense to me and I think i have already established that I don’t take everything as gospel if there are loose ends. This story has a you say, he say feel and right now, we only hear what BP had to say about it with no proof other than his word. Thats not to say its not as BP says it is. We just don’t know.
    To tell you the truth I saw BP on Facebook too and didn’t think that would be the real BP and never made a friend request so what does that tell you?

    Well JR….if you looking for proof, cant you go on Facebook and see if you find this BJ Nottage imposter. Check it out for yourself if you have doubts.

  33. @JR
    Jr let it be known that there are some FUNDAMENTAL differences between Bahamas Press and this BJ IMPOSTER facebook page. Of course we don’t expect a sitting member to be monitoring his page all day. NO, but what we do expect of HONOURABLE people is to uphold their honour with the people around them. I mean how can you be talking with people and presenting yourself as the MP for Bain and Grants Town? How can you be talking to people as saying that you are indeed he, when you are NOT? Please explain!

    Bahamas Press has always said we are a collection of writers and sources around this COUNTRY! We’ve never suggested that we are Hubert Ingraham or Perry Christie, THAT IS WHERE THE CRIME HAS OCCURRED! THAT IS WHERE THE CORRUPTION LIES!

    And if BJ knows what is good for him going into the online world into the future, the first thing he should do is FIRE YOUR YOU KNOW WHAT! And secondly, find someone who will live up to the DECENT NAME OF THE NOTTAGES to run his blog page!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  34. Man if I was pretending to be Dr. Nottage I should be getting paid too. Where my money man? LOL. No Drama. Things have to make sense to me and I think i have already established that I don’t take everything as gospel if there are loose ends. This story has a you say, he say feel and right now, we only hear what BP had to say about it with no proof other than his word. Thats not to say its not as BP says it is. We just don’t know.

    To tell you the truth I saw BP on Facebook too and didn’t think that would be the real BP and never made a friend request so what does that tell you?

  35. JR has some good points. Who ever it is was wrong to be conversating with BP about the leadership of the Party. This should have no reflection on the PLP body itself or BJ Nottage. Who ever the person is must be a fan of BJ and that may have bin his agenda but clearly he is not an official spokesperson for BJ Nottage.

  36. JR :And finally, Nottage would have to be really green if he were to be in a chat with BP and say something like he plans to challenge Perry. Why would he talk that to Bahamas Press when he should know that BP totes news? Makes no sense to me but what do I know?

    Duh! Didnt BP say it was an imposter. Man you contradicting yourself.

  37. JR :

    Drama King :This is really quite sick and stupid. I cant believe people in the PLP would sink that low. That is awful! Truly awful! BJ Nottage should issue a public statement on this.[Reply]

    Drama, do you think for a minute that any politician would issue a statement on somethig like this when clearly, there is only BP’s word to go on? No proof means no apology. I have to add Nottage and ask him if he’s the real BJ or find out something only he would know to prove it eh Media?

    Why are you so defensive JR? Were you the one online pretending to be BJ Nottage? If the person had any good intention they would have said UPFRONT that they were online FOR BJ Nottage.

  38. And finally, Nottage would have to be really green if he were to be in a chat with BP and say something like he plans to challenge Perry. Why would he talk that to Bahamas Press when he should know that BP totes news? Makes no sense to me but what do I know?

  39. Drama King :
    This is really quite sick and stupid. I cant believe people in the PLP would sink that low. That is awful! Truly awful! BJ Nottage should issue a public statement on this.

    Drama, do you think for a minute that any politician would issue a statement on somethig like this when clearly, there is only BP’s word to go on? No proof means no apology. I have to add Nottage and ask him if he’s the real BJ or find out something only he would know to prove it eh Media?

  40. For the sake of argument BP, what is the difference between Nottage and BP when you yourself confirmed to me that multiple people write under the name Media for BP? You will recall that I questioned the tone of Media and you confirmed that there was more than one writer of the blog and more than one person who responds as Media? Seems a bit hypocritical of you to say that what is happening with Dr. Nottage’s Facebook is “unchristian” and “vicked”. Does this make BP “vicked” too?

    Now also for the sake of argument BP, what politician you know of who doesn’t have someone watching their websites on Facebook and other places? The gal who runs Hubert Minnis page is in the UK studying law. I thought I was talking to Bran McCartney and his administrator told me up front that I was not speaking to Bran. So what is the big deal?

    I agree that it is bad that someone helping Dr. Nottage would pretend to be him when they should not. That is why politicians need to get their act together online and do as much of what they can do for themselves. Nobody should expect them to do it all because they can’t be in two places at once as Tristan noted but we can’t be seriously passing judgement on a politician because they have someone keeping an eye on their website. Is Obama serving as his own web admin? Okay then.

    It would have been a better story if BP provided some proof of this but I guess we’ll have to take his word for it. I wonder what Dr. Nottage’s side of this story would sound like.

  41. This is really quite sick and stupid. I cant believe people in the PLP would sink that low. That is awful! Truly awful! BJ Nottage should issue a public statement on this.

  42. Thanks BP, but this is a mere prelude to what is going to happen coming closer to convention. You see who the contenders are right, and at least one of them with his chorts will do whatever to win. Sad! Thats’ why they have the problems they have today as you said.

  43. I too can recall a convo when BJ was at the PLP house in Freeport but was online chattin to me on my blackberry. Now he is dancing on the side of me at Dry Bread memorial concert as we gather to give thanks to God and he online talking to me….WEIRD. SO I stopped because I wasnt sure who it was and if the person was indeed apart of Mr. Nottage. So thanks BP for bringing this Issue to head.

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