If they are so sinful and illegal now – why did you issue them licenses, PAPA?

Landslide Projected for “YES” VOTE COME MONDAY!
Nassau, Bahamas — If hypocrisy was a crime, then we believe more than half of New Providence would be in jail. And if the truth be told, Hubert Ingraham and his band of misfits in the FNM following the modern day Sanhedrin Council “NO” Vote group are just that HYPOCRITES!
Bahamas Press has scaled the walls deep in the files of the Cabinet Office and what we know is indeed shocking.
Hubert Ingraham came out this week shifting his position again to oppose the Jan. 28th poll and urged Bahamians to also vote against the motion.
But get this, why would Ingraham be so offended by webshops and gaming houses when it was his government that issued licenses to many of the houses which exist today?
In fact, we have the numbers and we can prove that the FNM Administration issued more than 130 webshop licenses while it sat in power between 2007 to 2011.

And we can lose them – All Applicants.
In 2007 16 licenses were issued by the Ministry of Finance which Ingraham headed. In 2008 – 18, 2009 – 18, 2010 – December 31, 2011 – 27 and in January of 2012 –28 licenses were issued for webshop gaming in the Bahamas.
The group of licensees included new and old operators during the periods.
It included: FML, ASUE Draw, Island Luck, Flamingo Web Shop, Mega Hits, The Daily Ticket, Island 411, Chances Internet Services, Bahama Dreams, I Internet Café, Icy Hot Technologies, Luck and Dreams, Fun City, Chances Internet, Destiny Internet, North Eleuthera Web, Prophetic Literary Café, Big Game, What Fall.com, Eninn Felix, J.A.M, Cash Play and Paradise Games.
The names of the owners of the companies are equally shocking and from what we know, a majority of the owners are surgically and spiritually tied to the Free National Movement.
To agree with a “NO” vote would suggest that Ingraham and the Sanhedrin Council of the Bahamas want the illegality of the operations to remain and have no regulations therein.
It also means to agree that the government should not inherit much needed revenue through taxes committed to the coffers of the Bahamian people.
Bahamas Press supports the position to regulate and tax the Gaming Businesses just as we now do the Casinos and Banks!
The former Prime Minister needs to take his meds and stop seeing ghosts!
We report yinner decide!