Irregularities occurring at the Parliamentary Registration Department – a worker takes home ballots just days leading up to the Local Government Elections!


Who is monitoring and managing the chaos now unfolding in the Commissioner’s Office?

FILE PHOTO: Election officer explains and shows the prospective voter what to do after she has marked her X on the ballot.

Copies of forms and ballots taken home by officer?

he had to resign following the last botched Local Government Elections.
Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking and serious reports coming out of the Parliamentary Commissioner’s officer could cost the job of a Minister in the Christie government if something is not quickly done.

BP is reporting serious infractions happening right now in the Parliamentary Registrar’s Office where we can confirm Commissioner Shurland Hall is concerned.

BP can report ballots for the June 23rd Local Government elections have gone missing and letters carrying symbols have vanished from the department, alleged to have been taken home by a secretary within the department.

BP has also learnt that, after weeks of complaints by the Commissioner, there are reports which suggests that multiple countrywide corrections of registered voters have still not been done as data processing department personnel at the Registrar refuse to allow changes to be made and are holding the Commissioner hostage.

Bahamas Press has learnt multiple complaints of the concerns at the Registrar’s office have fallen of deaf ears with the Commissioner seeking the assistance of the PS to urgently remove persons disrupting the process of readying the register.

With just over a week to go, we understand some voters will be confused as to the numbering on their registration cards and many will have incorrect spelling on them.

Bahamas Press wonders what kind of Local Government Elections is this being conducted by the new regime?

You would remember how, back under the Ingraham Regime, a similar set of events occurred under then Minister Sidney Collie. Not only was the register jacked up, but persons in particular island’s elections were not notified within the law. Collie, as a result, tendered his resignation from the Cabinet and the rest was history.

Could history be repeating itself once again in the run-up to the country’s local government elections, this time under the Christie Regime?

We report yinner decide!

Ballots Goes Home with Employee?

V. Alfred Gray and the Minister for National Security responsible for the local government elections must be concern with the issues now developing out of the Parliamentary Commissioner's Office.