Malcolm Adderley has resigned from the PLP 4:30 PM on Saturday evening


BREAKING NEWS <<<<< Malcolm Adderley has officially tendered his resignation from the Progressive Liberal Party. We’ve just recieved word that MP for Elizabeth has resigned from the PLP and has given Party Leader Perry Christie formal notice around 4:30 PM on Saturday evening. Read Bahamas Press for details <<<


  1. Well this was already in the cards anyhow, The PLP should contest the by election and if we do win then HAI and the FNM will see just how they will loose in 2012.

  2. I believe Perry must be was talking about his clothes went he said he changed and it was us who got it mixed up and thought he was referring to his attitude. He still there letting people take him for granted, when in fact he is the leader one of the most important political party in this country. I don’t understand him. He suppose to put his foot down on Malcolm longtime, He suppose to say, “Look here Malcolm let me know what you doing? Because I don’t have time to be running these games with you. I have a whole political party to run and I can’t afford to have nobody hindering my style and making me look like I don’t know how to run my show. You say you don’t know what you intend to do yet, right? Well, I will giving you until a particular date to get back to me and if you still aint no what you doing by then, I will have to make the decision for you.” That’s how a real leader would carry on. All this unnecessary running up and down behind Malcolm didn’t make sense. Malcolm there acting like he has the ball in his court now and they need him. The PLP had to form a whole committee to be able to talk to him and he there cutting up with them and enjoying all the attention they were giving him and acting like he is all of that and more. When he know he had his mind made up longtime and knew exactly what his plans were. You could see he meant to put them through this, just by the way he was acting. He there hiding and aint returning their phone calls and laughing at Perry them. Malcolm is a very spiteful person when he gets ready.

  3.  I heard Brave gave him an ultimatum????…brave is not the leader!!! why are brave and brad making all the decisions and statements?? what is the lazy and unfocused leader doing in all of this?? malcolm is forcing the PLP’s hand, there is no ultimatum here…more like ineffective leadership at play… malcolm comes out the winner and the PM gets to make the PLP spend monies that they don’t have with a bye-election!!  whew…someone pls step forward to lead the PLP…that man who claimed that he learned his lesson was telling a lie….

  4. Malcolm Adderley MP Elizabeth resigns from Progressive Liberal Party January 2nd 2010

    Dear Leader, following the Funeral of The late Oscar N Johnson I received a call from Myles Laroda who informed me that he had an important letter for me from Malcolm Adderley. The Letter was undated and was addressed to me as Chairman of the PLP. The one sentence read:

    I HEREBY tender my resignation as a member of the Progressive Liberal Party effective the 1st day of January,2010.

    Signed: Malcolm E Adderley Jr.
    MP Elizabeth

    The Party will issue a statement tomorrow.

    Bradley B Roberts
    National Chairman

  5. BP. I heard Brave gave him an ultimatum, cut bait or get out  the boat! Now all he got to do along with all of the influential PLPs is to tell Christie pack his georgie bundle!

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