Minnis seeks to topple Pintard, but Hubert Ingraham vows to retire Minnis in the interest of the public and the Party – THIS GA BE LONG!

Former Prime Minister Hubert “Papa” Ingraham and Hubert “Lockdown” Minnis

NASSAU| Former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis is enjoying the confidence of several hardcore FNM Chairmen who have vowed their loyalty to him and their intention to work to have him return as leader of the FNM.

Minnis now enjoys the confidence of the Chairmen of Mount Moriah, North and South Andros, and Carmichael, just to name a few. He recently is being aided with support from former Governor General C A Smith, aka “Honey Please”, who hit the ground running to oppose Michael Pintard and Duane Sands. But Minnis has a big problem.

No one forgets in the general population how Minnis raised taxes by 60% on the backs of the poor. Closed Schools. Locked Bahamians down and called on police to arrest anyone (including a man who went to the pump for water to bathe his aged father) who violated his INCOMPETENT DRACONIAN LOCKDOWN CURFEW RULES! NO ONE! And this is a major problem for Minnis.

But there is another big problem at the surface of the stink (better yet sour) FNM leadership row. Former PM Hubert Ingraham has vowed in sworn oaths that Hubert Minnis will never see the reins of power ever again in the FNM or in the Bahamas! This is serious.

Ingraham aka PAPA is known for his lightning-striking promises to say what he means and mean what he says!

Minnis chased Papa from Abaco following Dorian and told him to get lost! Papa, who gave political birth to Minnis, now accepts that he made a huge mistake when he involved Minnis in frontline politics to serve in his Cabinet.

In 2012, following the by-election in North Abaco, Minnis declared that the “Ingraham era was over”. When these words were repeated to Papa recently his response was telling. Ingraham said, “Child, Please!” Could the FNM end up in another violent row deep within the party? We understand some operatives of the Minnis faction have taken out hefty lifetime insurance policies.

This ain’t ga end well and will be LONG!

We report yinner decide!