Mother wants JUSTICE for her son who pulled his weapon on police – DAT WILL NOT END WELL!


NASSAU| Mother of the young man shot by police claims she wants JUSTICE for her son.

Baby K(Killer) had entered a gunfire exchange with police before he was shot multiple times last week and died.

Now, why would you teach your child to fire a weapon at the police? WHY WOULD HE RUN? And how could anyone suggest that after firing at officers – who are trained to kill by the way – that that shooter should be allowed to run away? WHAT WORLD YINNER LIVE IN?! That happens nowhere in the world!

The mother wonder why, if he was running, did police have to shoot him? Well … he ran after firing his gun at police.

Some advice in the future – IF THE POLICE TELL YOU STOP…STOP! And drop to the ground like a penny.