New Bahamas School Registration Policy Announced!!!!


YOU MUST HAVE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TO ATTEND SCHOOL : 1) A Bahamian Passport. 2) A Birth Certificate, indicating a mother or father as a Bahamian citizen. 3) A permit authorizing the child to reside in The Bahamas.

Nassau, Bahamas – The following is a statement by the Bahamas Ministry of Education:

To help with the registration and documentation of students, please be advised that commencing in the academic year 2015/2016, all compulsory school aged students (ages five to 16 years), will be required to possess either:

1) A Bahamian Passport.

2) A Birth Certificate, indicating a mother or father as a Bahamian citizen.

3) A permit authorizing the child to reside in The Bahamas.

Along with the aforementioned, students will continue to submit the standard registration information to the principal of the school, for the purposes of registration and entry.

Students who do not possess the required documentation for registration will be given a provisional letter of acceptance by the school, which will remain valid until the 31st December, 2015. Students will have until this date to obtain and submit the required documentation and information.