Oswald Brown Questions why media not allowed at Naturalization ceremonies planned for Grand Bahama, Nassau and Abaco?


Freeport, Bahamas –Hundreds of persons are being naturalized by the Cabinet of the Bahamas and are being directed to go quickly to the Parliamentary Registration Department and get registered to Vote!

Bahamas Press has learnt yesterday in Grand Bahama, the Department of Immigration made citizens of the Bahamas some 30 residents and denied members of the media access to the ceremony.

Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette, who is the Minister of Immigration, conducted the event. He commented to a reporter afterwards that the new Bahamians could now get their Bahamian passport.

According to veteran journalist Oswald Brown, “Of course, he did not mention that those who are old enough can also go and register to vote. Could this be one of the reasons for the spate of citizenship ceremonies that are planned? I understand that similar ceremonies will also be held in New Providence and Abaco.

Oswald Brown

“Also of note is that this was the lead story on the local televised news in Grand Bahama and on the local radio news this morning. I did not see ZNS-TV national news last night, but since the swearing-in ceremony for the new Bahamians was not on ZNS-Radio national news this morning, I assume that it was also not part of the national TV broadcast last night,” Brown told readers on Facebook.

Bahamas Press
has learnt following Cabinet approvals of citizenship every Thursday, a ceremony is now being held every Monday morning at the Hawkins Hill office in Nassau. We are also advised another two are being planned for Grand Bahama and Abaco early next week.

In his questioning Brown asked, “Is this blatant management of what news nationally one of the reasons why the FNM Government cancelled national broadcasts of ZNS news from Grand Bahama?

“Intrepid journalists in New Providence should insist that whenever the swearing-in for “new” Bahamians is held in Nassau it is open to the media. The Bahamian people have a right to know who their new fellow Bahamians are.”


  1. BP, I keep trying to post this comment and I don’t know why it did not go through. This look like this starting to be a trend, Anyway, here I go again.

    The FNM government just looking for votes and they are prepared to sell out their own if they have too.
    They are using these Haitians so they could maintain their control over the government. I wouldn’t be
    surprised if they are not behind those fires in the illegal shanty towns, so they could regularize these
    people and get them to vote for them. I am not going to bash the Haitians, they couldn’t do what they have
    been able to do without the support of our government. Our leaders are our biggest enemies, they don’t care about Bahamians, they allow these people to come here and do what Bahamians can‘t even do in their own country. They don’t care if they are competing with us and we can’t find jobs or if our students are not getting the proper education that they need, because our teachers are taking up too much time with the Haitians students, because they require more attention, because they speak another language. What a country to be living in, where the leaders does things to disadvantage of its own people, now I am beginning to see clearly why Ingraham was so happy to forward that shout out to his Haitian brothers and sisters, because sure isn’t looking out for the good of the Bahamian people. SELL OUT!!!

  2. The FNM government just looking for votes and they are prepared to sell out their own if they have too.
    They are using these Haitians so they could maintain their control over the government. I wouldn’t be
    surprised if they are not behind those fires in the illegal shanty towns, so they could regularize these
    people and get them to vote for them. I am not going to bash the Haitians, they couldn’t do what they have
    been able to do without the support of our government. Our leaders are our biggest enemies, they don’t care about Bahamians, they allow these people to come here and do what Bahamians can‘t even do in their own country. They don’t care if they are competing with us and we can’t find jobs or if our students are not getting the proper education that they need, because our teachers are taking up too much time with the Haitians students, because they require more attention, because they speak another language. What a country to be living in, where the leaders does things to disadvantage of its own people, now I am beginning to see clearly why Ingraham was so happy to forward that shout out to his Haitian brothers and sisters, because sure isn’t looking out for the good of the Bahamian people. SELL OUT!!!

  3. The Bahamian people expect the new administration to STOP,REVIEW and CANCEL all those illegals, who was granted rights to vote in this country illegally, after the next General Election;additionally,prosecutions should be brought against corrupt officials who participate in the wicked act.

  4. I made a public outcry about this months ago.

    Even asked the Opposition to look into this.

    Every month for the last 18 months plus, Brent Symonette has been doing swearing in ceremonies on Grand Bahama personally.

    On one occasion I say in excess of 50 persons in the Prime Ministers Office dressed up waiting for him to conduct the ceremony.

    Even at 50 per month, that would put GB at 1,000 plus.

    Add to that the 50 name changes and 50 new citizen applications per month in the local papers.

    Whap Bahamas Gone . . .

  5. Please make sure they are not exiled Hutus from Rwanda.

    MASISI, Congo (Reuters) — Interahamwe militiamen, the fanatical ethnic Hutus who led Rwanda’s 1994 genocide, still roam the forests of eastern Congo, killing and maiming at will.

    Unable to launch a full-scale invasion of their native Rwanda, the Interahamwe keep their armed movement alive in the Congo’s remote jungle regions by launching small raids and terrorizing civilian populations.

  6. Seems like this FNM cabinet has sent out a message that their citizenship policy of ‘one size fits all shantytowns’ is intended for shantytown residents to rush to get their citizenship before the General Elections, if they want to qualify for their free plot’s of land and government subsidized housing.
    I wouldn’t put it pass this FNM cabinet to open a special office in Haiti to speed up the process for Haitians wishing to become Bahamian citizenship.
    Isn’t the estimated one hundred (100,000) thousand Haitians residing in our Bahamas not enough for this FNM cabinet?
    It will not be that long before native born Bahamians will become the maids, cooks and gardeners to the new middle class and elites of the Bahamas within fifteen years.

    • Why is it that some Bahamians are afraid that Haitians will take over this country? They work the lowest class jobs and their children, who know little or nothing of Haiti, cannot be told apart from any other Bahamian.This is simple prejudice from persons who blindly look on.When the Chinese come over, the build stores with homes on top and salaried millions over the years. Second homeowners and developers from around the world come over to create jobs for a time and run off with their millions, but the poor and needy Haitians are looked at as a threat. Until we acknowledge our own failures and stop blaming the wrong people and living as black crabs, our country will never develop to a place where Bahamians are first.

      • Precisely,! But you forgot;along with building stores,and employing millions over the years,and “BUYING” homes,not squatting on people’s land:Additionally they’re low wage employees to. re”BUT” what dose the Haitian bring to the table and they always seeking citizenship in our country; loads of babies,and much burden on the tax payers.After 200 yrs of independence, and the first in the Carribean they’re FAILED bunch of people, now they want to over populate the Bahamas with their FAILED VOODOO economics.REBUT,you better catch yourself!!!!!

      • every Haitian I grow with can speak creole and knows all about Haiti so you need to stop that bullshit talk I live along side Haitians all my life their plan worked just like the plan the blacks had to take the country from the conchy joe now the Haitians time to turn the country creole and tyey will succeed because they now have everything in place their children are smarter because they start off speakink two defferent languages I saw one said that on tv one night

        • Listen Mike, or whatever you call yourself; that mix up garbage you wrote up there without punctuation defines your nationality:Yes some of those Haitian kids are smarter at the expense of the Bahamian tax payers,but rest assure a new immigration policy just up ahead will arrest this evil ethnic problem:say tuned.

        • @Mike
          “the Haitians time to turn the country creole and tyey will succeed because they now have everything in place’.I decided to use a part of the phrase of Mike as what he says must resonate with those of us who see his prediction coming true.I have asked for the PM to tell the Bahamian people when speaking about Haitians at the rally at Fort Charlotte what he meant when he said,”there are more of us than them”.

    • Yes poor and needy haitians who bring nothing to the development of the country but benefit from the sweat of the Bahamaian people….as you stated.. the other foreigners bring something when they come even if they carry most of it when they leave.. ..what do haitians bring ?? …poverty and disease.

      • I cannot disagree with most of the arguments. My thing is this…Nothing can happen outside the power and will of God. Can a voodoo clan actually take over a CHRISTIAN Nation? You be the judge. I’ve never seen it happen.

        • @Rebut
          God has promised to intervene in world affairs when we can no longer handle the situation.Those in leadership positions must exert their power to ensure that our citizens get what is due them.Failing this we should vote them out and try another party.With all of this crime consuming our country right now it makes one wonder if the demons are not now in charge.

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