NASSAU| PM HUBERT Alexander Minnis as Minister of Finance awards his special friend, Tonya “RoadClosed” Adderley a FAT JUICY $180,000 contract as Project Manager at Ministry of Finance.
The details were revealed through the IDB’s transparent processes which details who gets rewarded through its schemes: CLICK HERE: https://projectprocurement.iadb.org/en/awarded-contracts
Watch this now, the Bahamian tax payers have to pay for this because this money comes out of the IDB $33 million dollar loan for the financial management reform. Adderley was hired by the PM to oversee much of the projects and yes she is a close … close friend.
This big juicy contract does not include additional contracts she receives from the several boards PM Minnis posted her on (PHA and Public Service Commission). What kind of “giftings” does this one woman has to be appointed and paid all throughout the Minnis Government? WHAT IS THIS? No wonder they cannot touch Adrian Gibson at the Water and Sewerage Corporation with all the bedroom contracts which were awarded there! THIS IS ONE CORRUPT BUNCH!
Adderley you should know is also the sister-in-law of the chairman of NIB Troy Smith. We must wonder what influences she has to have caused this appointment to be.
Adderley, is a member of that big Southwest Ridge Community, which caused an entire road to close against the wishes of the public, ultimately causing the death of a young woman. The 22-year-old Garvanisha Carey died after her car struck several concrete barriers that closed off Munnings Road back in June 2018. We believe her family has a strong case against both the government and the association in the community.
Yinner thought it was only Adrian Gibson who does have pillow talk with the hairy bank eh? And its is all being done at taxpayers expense. Stay Tuned!!! MORE TO COME!
We report yinner decide!