RBDF Captains keep breaking up the 200 million dollar Defence force Fleet…


HMBS Rolly Gray down again.

Nassau – At this rate no illegal boats will be intercepted by the RBDF, as damage is being reported [AGAIN] on the new defence force fleet recently purchased by the former Government.

BP can report the HMBS Rolly Gray damaged a set of propellers after departing Coral Harbour on routine patrol shortly after 7 a.m. Sunday morning.

RBDF officials could not up to press time confirm the exact cause of the incident, but suggested that the matter is being investigated. Ahhh Boy!

Out of the nine Damen-built patrol craft, seven are operational with one being prepared for routine dry-docking.

But get this; Rolly Gray had damaged her propellers earlier this year resulting in a new replacement. The captain we believe can’t operate the vessel!

The last time another vessel was damaged by a 100-foot patrol craft that was breached by a captured Dominican poaching vessel. That recent damage was also recently repaired. But how much are all these repairs costing taxpayers?

All we say is this, at this rate the Bahamas ain’t ga have no vessel to patrol our waters and someone inside must be working with those outside.

When the Christie Government came to power in 2012 only 1 vessel in all the fleet of the RBDF was operational. This prompted cause to purchase the fleet of nine vessels costing taxpayers some $200 million. Around that same time only one ambulance was working at PMH in 2012. Only One Fire Truck was operational in 2012, and the police force had one big large graveyard a bust-up, break-up police patrol vehicles leaving criminal free to terrorize citizens! This is where yinner vat money gern! We have an the enemy within the RBDF!

We report yinner decide!