Ricardo P. Deveaux Appointed to the Board of Visitors of Bethune-Cookman University


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Ricardo P. Deveaux, President & CEO, The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Foundation

Nassau, Bahamas – Ricardo P. Deveaux, President & CEO, The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Foundation accepted an invitation from Rev. John W. Harrington, Chairman of The Board of Trustees, Bethune-Cookman University to serve on the University’s newly created Board of Visitors.

The University Board of Trustees created this premier direct support organization to bring together distinguished Bethune-Cookman alumni, friends and former Trustees as good will ambassadors for the University.

Rev. Harrington noted that because of President Deveaux’s past service to Bethune-Cookman University, he was delighted to invite him to become a member of the Board of Visitors.

Ricardo is a 1990 graduate from Bethune-Cookman with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with honours. He served as the 1989/90 Student Body President. In May 2009, at the age of 42, he was the second Bahamian and one of the youngest individuals to deliver the Commencement address at the University. He was awarded a Honourary Doctorate of Humane Letters.

Tidbits: VAT Rates from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.