PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts
PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts


In light of the most serious admissions to fundamental and egregious wrongs, I join with the patriotic and concerned people of the Bahamas in calling on FNM Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis to fire Michael Pintard as an FNM Senator and to cause his resignation as national chairman of the FNM.

Over the last three days the entire country has been horrified to read in the Tribune, Nassau Guardian and The Punch what amounts to the most dastardly and cowardly political act of the 20th and 21st centuries. Dr. Minnis must answer to the Bahamian people for the apparent complicity within the highest echelon of the FNM in connection with the “Save the Bays” organization as the allegations and admissions of dishonorable, offensive and damning behavior will not go away.

The fundamental questions Mr. Pintard must answer are as follow:

1) Did you receive any monies for your complicity in this action?

2) What advice did you give to the two persons whom are identified as “criminals and killers” in the official documents that are now matters of public record?

3) Why did you not turn these men over to the Police?

4) Why did you not make an official statement to the Police?

5) How do you reconcile your loyalty to the FNM as its national chairman against your complicity with Save the Bays?

6) As a Senator, did you ever grasp that what you are engaged in would raise serious legal concerns?

7) Did you openly and freely engage with foreign entities and foreign investigators in the Bahamas to bring officials of the Government of the Bahamas into pubic odium and scandal?

8) Are you aware of any Work Permits or official notification that these foreign agents would have had to engage in the employment and work which they claim to have performed in The Bahamas?

9) Did you attend any secret meetings with these investigators and others where you passed in certain directions and instructions to the two men described as “criminals and killers”?

10) Was Dr. Minnis and the Central Council of the FNM aware of your engagement in regard to this incident and did they approve or authorize your involvement? This is subversion.

11) Are you also on the pay roll of “Save the Bays” as a publicist/writer/organizer?

In light of the above information already placed in the public domain, the police should have picked up Michael Pintard by now and questioned him on what he knows and ascertain the extent of his and the FNM’s involvement. Mr. Pintard must necessarily be named as a person of interest by the police. Indications are that FNM Shadow Attorney General MP Richard Lightbourn agrees.

In the meantime, I wish to assure Bahamians and PLPs everywhere that our organization is stronger than ever and we are prepared to rebuff and defend our leaders against the vicious and fraudulent allegations contained in these documents.

PLP’s would be aware that our organization fought on this very same front in the mid-1980s when an organization called and known as JUSTICE INTERNATIONAL and its operative one Morgan Cherry and a company known as PROJECT MASTERS were discovered to be behind a well-funded and orchestrated attempt to destabilize the then Pindling administration. We know and the Bahamian people know that this déjà vu.

We fought them then and we won. We will meet them again… wherever they are and whoever they are and with the blessing of a gracious God the enemies of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas shall be defeated.

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