Russell and Rolle- Dumb and Dumber- Why they cannot build Clapboard House?


Nassau, Bahamas — When Kenneth ‘da janitor’ Russell was given the Herculean task to oversee the country’s Housing Department we at BP knew it was too much for him. We knew he could not clean house much less build one. To add insult to injury, the PM paired Brensil Rolle in the Ministry as the Parliamentary Secretary. The pair of Russell and Rolle has been dubbed, DUMB and DUMBER by BP. Further, depending on what time of the day it is, the nicknames are interchangeable among the pair.

Bahamas Press, last week was once again deep in the confines of the OPM digging even deeper to prove to you that something has gone wrong in the country. The ‘shakey’ head and trembling hands of the Ingraham government are best described as an administration suffering from advance stages of dementia; and boy we are in trouble!

Unlike the Wutless Media who parade like marionettes, and are all too busy these days bringing you the news according to the Royal Bahamas Police Force, we on the other hand have decided to bring truth, real breaking news, investigative reporting and in this case another explosive discovery.

In summer of last year, after allowing all kind a seracee vines to overflow around the land of a proposed subdivision now called Ardastra Gardens, the Ingraham government moved to begin construction of homes for Bahamians. What a relief after almost 3 years in ‘STOP, CANCEL and REVIEW’ mode.

We have been told that the majority of homes in this subdivision were given to one Contractor and that the Contractor is not a real builder. We have been told that the wutless Contractor is a benefactor of Brensil Rolle and a fishing Buddy of the PM.

We are not surprised then, that the PM from his seat in Parliament said that the Gov’t. was not the Contractor. It was so stupid of him as he proved Shane Gibson’s point. When Dumb and Dumber, Rolle and Russell were making excuses for not building even a clapboard house after two years, they claimed that they were too busy repairing the houses built by Shane Gibson, wow, what goes around, surely comes around.

In a letter dated February 4th, 2010, while the country was busy with the distraction of ‘Lizzy’, PS at MOH requested Chemaco Brown, Melanie Roach and Carolyn King-Williams to meet with a tearful homeowner who delivered a shocking report. The new homeowner we know had just moved into her home where the roof began splitting, the walls caving in and the floor sunk from the level of shoddy construction. [Photo alongside here and above shows the 6″ depth of the floor taken out by workers now at the site. After taking out the entire floor not a piece of steel was discovered in the floor. Image that, a Contractors builds a home without steel. WE CRY SHAME ON THEM ].

Upon further investigation by the inspectors, it was discovered that the contractor had built several homes in the area with no steel in the foundation, no screen or wire in the floor and now refuses to repair the damage left behind. We wonder what they talk about while fishing?

BP has learned, the taxpayers of the country must now foot the bill in repairing all of the homes plus foot the bill on relocating all of the homeowners until the homes are repaired. In letters dated 15th January, 2010 prior to the inspection, Permanent Secretary in the MOH, Lorraine Symonette-Armbrister wrote one of the home owners now affected by the Housing disaster, assuring her the Government will pay all expenses including relocation costs and rental accommodations due to the construction flop.

BP puts the following questions:

  • Why has he government not gone after the contractor to pay for the flop?
  • Has any new contracts been issued to the contractor since?
  • Is it true that the contractor has been granted a contract to provide the fill to correct the houses?
  • Is the Contractor a friend and benefactor of Brensil Rolle and a fishing Buddy of the PM?
  • Why did the inspectors not discover the shortcuts by the contractor; making certain he followed all building codes and guidelines in the country?
  • Was somebody paid off?
  • What is the total cost now ratchet up to the public following this construction disaster?
  • And will Ingraham now fire ‘da janitor’ and Rolle for this debacle as they have proven that they are a bunch of rotten eggs?

Perhaps if the Ingraham government was not so busy looking back at the Christie administration and its achievements to construct scores of homes; moving more than 5,000 family members into their piece of the rock and employing hundreds of labours to oversee the success, such disasters now facing homeowners in ARDASTRA GARDENS may have been avoided.

The saga continues, we need change!


  1. We live in a Hurricane Zone. None of these houses will stand up to even a low grade hurricane. It is criminal to make houses like this for people to live in. Shame on any government that does this.

  2. BP, you have dumb, dumber and I quess the third picture is Dumbest. My God, what a bunch of miscreants.

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