Guardian investigative Journalist in Traffic Mishap…WAS THIS AN ACCIDENT???

Juan McCartney in a close call with death over the weekend.

Nassau, Bahamas — An NB12 /Nassau Guardian reporter was badly injured in a freak accident over weekend.

Bahamas Press
has learned investigative journalist, Juan McCartney, was the sole passenger in a vehicle this weekend when it turned over and crashed into a tree.

BP has just gotten word of this shocking incident and we wonder if this was an attempt on the journalist life. We’ve learned early investigations reveal the incident could have been a sabotage. McCartney’s breaks mysteriously failed and is believed to be the genesis of the accident. McCartney received deep lacerations to his forehead and his scalp had peeled back until his bone was exposed. We also have learned the writer has lost three points of blood.

You would note McCartney has a reputation of hard-hitting stories. Recently he unveiled the discovery a Lyford Cay man found dead in the Jacuzzi at the resident of Louis Bacon. Police never reported the incident. McCartney was also the reporter who exposed the proposed tax by ZNS BOARD to be levied on all Cable Bahamas subscribers.

Since this incident with McCartney, BP has over the weekend elevated its own threat level CODE RED following a threat from a senior government official. We are ready wiling and able to respond if necessary. However, that senior government official ought to know we will not cease, surrender or retreat.

The ax has been laid at the foot of the tree and the woodsman cometh.


  1. Our sources at Doctor’s Hospital says otherwise. They tell us no alcohol was in the blood of Juan McCartney.

    BP says once again we believe based on factual evidence gathered, we ask the question, was it an attempt to sabotage INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST Juan McCartney? We at BP have raised our threat levels to CODE RED as a senior government official has levied threat against Bahamas Press.

  2. Vengeance,

    You must be a McCartney. No one is bitter. We’re simply getting facts straight. For you information, I was RELIABLY informed of the circumstances. If you choose to live in denial carry on. I am happy he wasn’t killed. But, he put his own life in danger.

    I await the police report about this alleged attempt on Mr. McCartney’s life. Screw it, I have contacts in Doctors Hospital. I’ll just find out from insiders if homeboy had alcohol in his blood stream. Simple.

  3. Say what you like, BP has done its own investigations into this mishap and the facts are on our side. We report, you can spin and the rest a yall decide. BP is reporting REAL NEWS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. Fact
    1. Mr. McCartney’s life has been threatened numerous times since he did the report on the corruption of customs officers in the Bahamas.He has been threatened by various means; by email, cellphone and text.

    2.As I arrived on the scene shortly after I did not see any of you; Charles, Nunya Business, newsman or realkeeper, whoever you may be. I did not see anyone taking bottles out of the vehicle as the firemen had to cut him out of the vehicle.You are typical Bahamians with no respect and love for a fellow human being. Thank God he is still alive and his mother, who just lost her husband and him his father, shouldn’t have to grieve another lost in her life.
    In my experience those who do not like you fall into two categories: the stupid and the envious. The stupid will love you in five years, the envious never….Quote by Lord of Rodchester.

  5. I, too, understand that Mr. McCartney was allegedly drinking. In fact, one of his fellow journalists allegedly removed beer bottles from his car before the police got there. He better pray he didn’t kill anyone.

    BP, een nobody trying to kill no damn one. Yinna is go too far sometimes.

    This boy is reckless though. I agree with you realkeeper. Once again, ya keepin’ it real.

    • yea lets keep it real….i heard the next thing coming is that tommy and papa set up the whole thing to get rid of him because he is a mcCartney…HE WAS DAMN DRUNK AS A SKUNK and lost control….”DON”T DRINK AND DRIVE” he should know better. and BP should also

  6. um i think you pulling at straws on this one sir. accidents like this happen every day in nassau. many happen because people cannot drive or vehicles are simply not maintained properly. We have no law enforcement on the road so people drink and drive as they please, no law enforcement to stop vehicles that should not be on the road, no law enforcement to stop licencing vehicles to be on the road that should not be .. bad drivers everywhere .. but it could have been as simple as a blown tire not brakes failing .. or perhaps his breaks weren’t checked recent and did fail ..

  7. i heard speed and alcohol contributed to the accident. brakes often fail when a speeding motorist applies them suddenly. thankfully, no one else was hurt due to his reckless actions

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