Sexual Assault claim against a sitting politician makes its way onto the desk of the Central Detective Unit of the Royal Bahamas Police Force!


More victims could join the actions filed by the former politician…

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is ready to now confirm a former Cabinet Minister has filed her sexual assault claim with the Central Detective Unit of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

The claim stems from an alleged incident that unfolded between two Ministers inside the former administration.

Bahamas Press can now report the former Cabinet Minister’s legal team provided officers with sworn statements suggesting serious claims of a sexual nature. Medical records have also been included in the files which we understand will open in a criminal prosecution case. 

Now it is also alleged that the “suspect”, who was also an MP at the time of the incident, is alleged to have committed these acts before. However, until now, this is the first victim who has stepped forward. 

Sources tell BP a list of victims could join the criminal prosecution case, including a media personality from an established media house in the country.

In that matter, which is yet to be filed before the courts, the accused MP made contact with the media personality deep in the middle of the night and requested an opportunity to meet up with her. The intent of the MP is still unknown, but, according to sources, a number of victims could join the former politician’s action in a bold broad attempt to end the political career of the MP.

BP will begin holding vigils around the Court as any day now news could come that papers and people are moving to be heard.

We ga report and we hope yinner keep reading!