Someone has been stealing gasoline from the Government


Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is reporting the arrest of another public officer. We can confirm deep in the halls of quarter guard under the watch of officers is a mechanic who is stationed at the Oakes Field Police Garage.

Preliminary investigations tell us the public officer is being investigated for allegedly stealing gasoline from the Police refuel centre at CDU.

BP has learnt the officer in question is cooperating with investigators as the matter is being combed by detectives.

An audit in the consumption of gasoline by the police department reveals thousands of gallons have gone unaccounted for. We are told the high command began looking into the matter since June this year, and today they believe they have caught the man at the centre of their investigation.

It is also believed other persons will be implicated in the allege crime.


  1. “It is also believed other persons will be implicated in the allege crime…” …who will doubtless be nothing more than low level flunkies…. Such an organised theft can only be pulled off if higher level people are involved..(IMHO)

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