874-7726_dsc.jpg<<< Look at the ‘Pussy Cat’, the ‘TOILET PAPER’ and the ‘SNITCH’ working together AGAIN!

Nassau, Bahamas: Perry ‘PUSSY CAT’ Christie never ceases to amaze us at Bahamas Press. The weak leader of the PLP, who we liken to the posterior of a donkey, was all in the WUTLESS MEDIA this morning responding to our article on his weak leadership.

Now Christie is afraid of truth. He is against young people. He is afraid of technology, and yes he is a weak leader. Bahamas Press is not amaze to see that the ‘PUSSY CAT’ is now acting like the ‘SNITCH’ and is now all over the place trying to hit at some ghost by attacking Bahamas Press in today’s newspaper. We wonder when will PLPs see that Christie has no interest in defending the people of this country.

Where was Christie’s voice for those lil boys at the Eight Mile Rock High School when they were being molested? When parents were crying for help and Carl Bethel shared little concern for the children? Christie has yet to speak to the issue.

Where was Christie’s voice when more that 1,200 workers at the Atlantis Resort were fired, many crying and falling out! Christie has yet to speak to the ‘toilet paper’ on that issue.

Where is Christe’s voice for those 500 plus workers at the Emerald Bay Resort who will lose their jobs in three days? Christie can’t speak on that either.

Nor has he yet met with the people who lost all they had at CLICO. And we can go on and on and on all day. But the PUSSY CAT could find the Tribune [‘Toilet Paper’] when it comes to him. When the rubber slaps him down in the road, he finds quickly the OLE MAID to talk news, the traits of a SLY OLE PUSSY CAT INDEED!

Bahamas Press warns the leader of the PLP to pack his bags and GO before he gets a month long attack from this blog! We’re SICK AND TIRED OF HIS VICKEDNESS CUNNING WAYS! He is a FAKE! He is a TRAITOR to the voice of opposition in this country! And he has FAILED the Bahamian people!

Keep looking for the ghost in your party Christie, but you will soon know and discover that the information was NOT given to us by any PLP! BP received our report from an FNM, a BIG TIME ONE TOO. And the next time you meet with MUGABE ask him and he will tell you. Don’t push us any further on this! DAMN PUSSY CAT!


  1. Another example of these two farts’ contempt and hatred for the Bahamamian people is the indiscriminate use of foreign consultants for everything, when not only are Bahamians able to do the work but that it would only make sense to empower the local experts for future reference and as pointed out by Ray Winder, to keep some of that revenue in the country.

    Mr. Winder faulted these foreign consultants for ripping off the government. I can only believe Mr. Winder to be deliberately disingenuous in this regard because he ought to know that the extra money goes back to the poiticians

  2. The collective blight of HAI and PC on the Bahamian people will be recorded as the Dark Ages in The Bahamas. These two useless poomps hate the Bahamian people and live their lives to be validated by a rich white man.

    The purpose of a leader in these times must be to move the Bahamian people forward not just find menial jobs.

    These two and their ilk can’t possibly do that when they are watching who gets what and trying to cover for their useless children.

    Unfortunately there will be people who continue to hope that something usefull will come forth from these jokers. They are like to sweetheart who gets fkd and promised every day but can’t see that nothing will change.

    There is no real difference between HAI and PC, they are cut from the same cloth. One was made into Bermuda shorts and the other panties. You figure out which.

    A prime example of this and the fact that they cannot and will not move the Bahamian people forward, is the allocation of land under the new developments in Nassau.

    In every case we have developers who are trying to pressure Bahamians to sell their land and homes for peanuts so that the developers can then resell them for millions.

    If HAI or PC had the Bahamian people’s interest at heart they would have made it a part of investors’ agreement that all existing land owners would get a developed lot in exchange for their existing properties. This would be a minimal cost to the developer but a gigantic leap for the Bahamian land owner. It would have actually moved the entire society forward because it would create hundreds of new millionaires.

    Of course the reality is that they both secured some token for themselves instead.

  3. Your reference at the beginning of this post is highly offensive to cats.

    Just pussy would do nicely. Thank you.

  4. JR :Sticks and stones…you know the rest people. Forgive me for having a brain and using it on this site. None of the insults matter because I know better about how these things work and just because you may think that whatever Hubert does Perry should do, you must understand that different people do things differently. I noticed that while Media and Kim are busy attacking me, none of them have bothered to address the fact that the people who present certain issues by all parties are predetermined. I know Media’s excuse. He knows this already but Kim, my sister, you don’t know me to call me a brain dead anything. I could go there with you but I’m a gentleman. I wouldn’t point out how easily lead you are on every tangent Media runs on because other people can see that for themselves. All I am saying is that if Media has a legitimate issue with PC, then he gets no argument from me. Go back and check the record and you will see that. Its when these BS assertions are made and not a single fact to back it up that I feel the need to speak.

    media Reply:May 26th, 2009 at 10:26 pm
    Well if our posts are not facts; can you tell us JR, why you defend Chrstie on here and why your leader [Christie] could find his voice in the ‘toilet paper’? Can you explain that? We know why and after today Jr, you can tell your WUTLESS PUSSY CAT LEADER we’ve drawn the line in the sand between himself and Bahamas Press!
    The LINE IS DRAWN CHRISTIE and you better retire now, cause we will make it worse than the 2007 general elections defeat from you. Bahamas Press has the facts. ALL papers, ALL THE DOCUMENTS and all we saying is this, “WE COMING FOR YOU’!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Jr. whatever you posted on this site, where I agree with it or not I have always respected it as your opinion. I don’t understand why you got so offended and rude when I was merely asking Objective Thought for his opinion as to why he thought Perry Christie being the leader of the opposition was so quiet on the Birbal matter. It is just that I wanted to know because I had once supported and believe in this man and now his lack of actions is very unbelievable and disturbing to me. You should not be angry with anyone who seeks to question your leader; the person you should really be angry with unless you don’t care either is Christie for his failure to express any type of sympathy towards those boys who were raped. I guess he is leaving that for Glenys to handle as well. Well Jr. he is taking a laid back attitude and allowing Glennys to say and do everything, don’t blame me if he appears to be inactive or like he just don’t give a **** about who is hurting in this country. Maybe that is why the people voted the way they did in the last election unless he change this laid back attitude I could very well see them doing the same thing in the next election as well. Jr. you are right about one thing though, I don’t know you well enough to call you brain dead and I sincerely apologize for that, but that is how you came across to me when you got offended for no apparent reason. Maybe I should have been more sensitive about your feelings towards the man. Again, I am very sorry and I hope we can put all this behind us.

  5. This Greaves is the Jamaican guy from the OPM right? Because my understanding is that he is a very wicked man….

  6. You said you hate Christie after you were asked to admit it. Not upfront but still an admission. Make your case and don’t be afraid to stand by it. Wrong is wrong, even when its people we like doing it.

  7. JR :Why you coming to me about what gone down with you and PC and Durward and whoever else? What the hell any of that has to do with me? This article was about a photo of Perry talking to Carron and veered into other things with everyone talking this and that and trying to brand me as some Perry insider because I would dare speak up against the BS vibe in this story. BP is very familiar with my tone when we get these kinds of articles and that has not changed. Now to Examiner, if you have info on Perry that you could put out to show him in the mix of doing something wrong, which isn’t the same as not doing what you want him to do, then by all means, make it public. I hold no brief for any wrong doer, even PC. I just have a problem with the endless stream of BS posing as stories on BP that have nothing to do with nothing and is just people channeling their PC hate.
    Thats why I told you if you hate him, say so and don’t try and wrap some argument around it man. Media once said that this site doesn’t practice “deflection”. I ain’t so sure about that.

    I said up front and will say again, I hate Christie. I will now deal with him every week showing what a liar he is. Thanks my my brudder. Let the chips fall where they may. BP you may now start with Perradette Ltd.

    • BREAKING NEWS COMING Examiner, Perradatte LTD. and Perry Christie, Stay Tuned!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

      PS; Watch how fact the PUSSY CAT will find that OLE MAID to help him now….

  8. Why you coming to me about what gone down with you and PC and Durward and whoever else? What the hell any of that has to do with me? This article was about a photo of Perry talking to Carron and veered into other things with everyone talking this and that and trying to brand me as some Perry insider because I would dare speak up against the BS vibe in this story. BP is very familiar with my tone when we get these kinds of articles and that has not changed. Now to Examiner, if you have info on Perry that you could put out to show him in the mix of doing something wrong, which isn’t the same as not doing what you want him to do, then by all means, make it public. I hold no brief for any wrong doer, even PC. I just have a problem with the endless stream of BS posing as stories on BP that have nothing to do with nothing and is just people channeling their PC hate.

    Thats why I told you if you hate him, say so and don’t try and wrap some argument around it man. Media once said that this site doesn’t practice “deflection”. I ain’t so sure about that.

  9. @JR
    Jr, I notice that you and Christie are very afraid to deal with what I am saying. I have given BP some information and just so you and Christie know who I am, ask Christie how he got copies of the cheques drawn on COMMUNITY SERVICES LTD signed by Sir Durward and Geoffrey Johnstone in 2002. I will nail him and Greaves and Thompson for what they tried to do to me. This is a warning shot, BP gat the goods.

  10. Kim Sands :@Objective thought
    I hear your reasoning and if what you are saying is the truth, that shows some weakness on his behalf and I agree with others that he should retire. This is the way I see it, he is the leader of the party right and if he could have others members in his party preventing him from talking out on very important matters that affects the nation as a whole, then maybe he should let the person who is calling all the shots in the party take over one time. I understand your commitment to him, because you believe people are just being so hard on him and you have sympathy for him and I wish I could sympathize with the pussy cat as well, but until this matter with EMR is resolved my sympathy lies with those boys who were raped.

    The main difference between myself and FNM supporters is that I can’t stand to see the PM talking to people like they are little children!! When people are elected, they should be able to speak as long as their constituients allow them to!!

    I cannot support a leader who believes that he can “control” big grown men and women!! Only the constituients of MPs should make them tremble when they speak… HI thinks that he owns people..

    On the other hand PC allows people to be themselves and do the job that their constituients hired them to do… If PC on his own is trying to muzzle his colleagues I will be surprised.. If he has done that, he was convinced to do so by those same persons who are trying to destroy him…

    These days PLP MPs aren’t even allowed to bring the issues of their constituients to parliament. The speaker would quickly intervene and ask them to stick to the topic at hand or otherwise sit down!! These persons who are running this country are the real JOKERS, even the UBP ran the parliament better than the FNM does!!!

    • And whilst the Speaker silence them OT, that DAMN PUSSY CAT sits right there and does nothing! NUMBER ONE BULL you know what!


  11. warren :@Russell Johnson Are you saying that Christie is a coward or that he aint want to make a fool out of himself, so he letting Glenys do it for him?@kim, you see that hey, they only like to talk for political gain, but I am not convinced that any of them and I mean all PLP and FNM really and truly care about anything but staying in power or gaining it!

    Sad, but true!!

  12. Kim Sands :

    JR :Why you people keep repeating rubbish and buying into this BS is amazing to me. Whenever the PLP or FNM have an issue to address, they select one person to be the spokesperson. In the EMR thing, that person was Glenis. Why the hell should PC speak about it if she is already covering it and presenting the PLP’s point of view? Do you hear the other MPs getting into the nitty gritty about EMR? No, because she is the lead spokesperson and now chairman of the select committee. You need to get real now. You diss Hubert for not being a team player and you diss Perry for not being a limelight hogging dictator. Nothing is right by yinna. LOL. I said it a million times on this site, just say you hate Perry and don’t worry about a reason. You don’t need one. But when you try and wrap it up in a reason, thats where you go wrong and don’t make sense.OT is right, the people who control PC’s future in the PLP won’t be relying on this or any blog for their guidance. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder so you know what to expect when the PLP has convention and Rigby and Fred come talking about they want to be leader. LOL. Get your popcorn ready, this is going to be good entertainment. Right Media?[Reply]

    Jr. for the same reason you worshippers of Christie and Ingraham always making BS excuses for them. Even if Glennys is the spokes person for the party, that does not mean the leader cannot speakout at all, Someone already told me she trying to take over the party, I am I suppose to believe she took over his mouth as well? Your reasoning does not make any sense, you sound like a brain dead follower. Beside since Birbal arrest I have not heard from Glennys or Chirtie. Called it BS all you want, but I think the captain of the ship should come to the forth front in trouble times.

    I do agree with you and others that PC should speak out on this issue but knowing him, he is thinking that he does not want it to look like he is trying to score some political point by speaking out which is why he is letting the chairlady deal with this issue..

  13. Sticks and stones…you know the rest people. Forgive me for having a brain and using it on this site. None of the insults matter because I know better about how these things work and just because you may think that whatever Hubert does Perry should do, you must understand that different people do things differently. I noticed that while Media and Kim are busy attacking me, none of them have bothered to address the fact that the people who present certain issues by all parties are predetermined. I know Media’s excuse. He knows this already but Kim, my sister, you don’t know me to call me a brain dead anything. I could go there with you but I’m a gentleman. I wouldn’t point out how easily lead you are on every tangent Media runs on because other people can see that for themselves. All I am saying is that if Media has a legitimate issue with PC, then he gets no argument from me. Go back and check the record and you will see that. Its when these BS assertions are made and not a single fact to back it up that I feel the need to speak.

    • Well if our posts are not facts; can you tell us JR, why you defend Chrstie on here and why your leader [Christie] could find his voice in the ‘toilet paper’? Can you explain that? We know why and after today Jr, you can tell your WUTLESS PUSSY CAT LEADER we’ve drawn the line in the sand between himself and Bahamas Press!

      The LINE IS DRAWN CHRISTIE and you better retire now, cause we will make it worse than the 2007 general elections defeat from you. Bahamas Press has the facts. ALL papers, ALL THE DOCUMENTS and all we saying is this, “WE COMING FOR YOU’!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. @Russell Johnson
    Are you saying that Christie is a coward or that he aint want to make a fool out of himself, so he letting Glenys do it for him?
    @kim, you see that hey, they only like to talk for political gain, but I am not convinced that any of them and I mean all PLP and FNM really and truly care about anything but staying in power or gaining it!

  15. Lolo lolo am enjoying this discussion as it reminds me of Commissioner of Police Ferguson.Each time he opens his mouth he talks rubbish so he allows Hulan Hanna to speak because he knows that even if it is a lie Hulan knows no better so he can keep a straight face.Remember the spokesperson for Saddam Hussein?He kept a straight face even as the invading forces were taking over the country.Saddam was in a hole hiding.Are there any similarities here?

  16. JR :Why you people keep repeating rubbish and buying into this BS is amazing to me. Whenever the PLP or FNM have an issue to address, they select one person to be the spokesperson. In the EMR thing, that person was Glenis. Why the hell should PC speak about it if she is already covering it and presenting the PLP’s point of view? Do you hear the other MPs getting into the nitty gritty about EMR? No, because she is the lead spokesperson and now chairman of the select committee. You need to get real now. You diss Hubert for not being a team player and you diss Perry for not being a limelight hogging dictator. Nothing is right by yinna. LOL. I said it a million times on this site, just say you hate Perry and don’t worry about a reason. You don’t need one. But when you try and wrap it up in a reason, thats where you go wrong and don’t make sense.
    OT is right, the people who control PC’s future in the PLP won’t be relying on this or any blog for their guidance. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder so you know what to expect when the PLP has convention and Rigby and Fred come talking about they want to be leader. LOL. Get your popcorn ready, this is going to be good entertainment. Right Media?

    Jr. for the same reason you worshippers of Christie and Ingraham always making BS excuses for them. Even if Glennys is the spokes person for the party, that does not mean the leader cannot speakout at all, Someone already told me she trying to take over the party, I am I suppose to believe she took over his mouth as well? Your reasoning does not make any sense, you sound like a brain dead follower. Beside since Birbal arrest I have not heard from Glennys or Chirtie. Called it BS all you want, but I think the captain of the ship should come to the forth front in trouble times.

  17. @Objective thought
    OT I hear you, but if these people are sabotaging the party as you say they are why doesn’t PC deal with them? How is that misusing his powers? This is what his problem is and shows weakness and a lack of leadership. It has been evident a long time ago that most of PC’s colleagues don’t respect him and want to see him gone. Maybe he should have ‘misused’ his powers as you call it, he would have still been in power. The PLP is in chaos and I do agree with you on the folks who are further dividing the party. Hopefully you all will deal with them at convention, although it is doubtful. By the way, who would you like to see as Deputy?

    • WHO? Jr WHO? You see how WUTULESS that party has declined Examiner? They need a spokesman and in the same breathe they don’t want no body to speak! GAGGING THE SHIP, Well Muddos!!!!

      Bahamas Press/editor

  18. @JR
    Well how do you figure JR that Martin is selected and Hubert Ingraham is speaking to the issues, but Perry Christie can’t! This is amazing!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  19. @JR
    I will say it right now up front, I hate Christie and I was a PLP. I will return when he is gone. I will never forget what Greaves and him tried to do to me. Christie is a big fat Liar.

  20. Why you people keep repeating rubbish and buying into this BS is amazing to me. Whenever the PLP or FNM have an issue to address, they select one person to be the spokesperson. In the EMR thing, that person was Glenis. Why the hell should PC speak about it if she is already covering it and presenting the PLP’s point of view? Do you hear the other MPs getting into the nitty gritty about EMR? No, because she is the lead spokesperson and now chairman of the select committee. You need to get real now. You diss Hubert for not being a team player and you diss Perry for not being a limelight hogging dictator. Nothing is right by yinna. LOL. I said it a million times on this site, just say you hate Perry and don’t worry about a reason. You don’t need one. But when you try and wrap it up in a reason, thats where you go wrong and don’t make sense.

    OT is right, the people who control PC’s future in the PLP won’t be relying on this or any blog for their guidance. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder so you know what to expect when the PLP has convention and Rigby and Fred come talking about they want to be leader. LOL. Get your popcorn ready, this is going to be good entertainment. Right Media?

  21. @Objective thought

    I hear your reasoning and if what you are saying is the truth, that shows some weakness on his behalf and I agree with others that he should retire. This is the way I see it, he is the leader of the party right and if he could have others members in his party preventing him from talking out on very important matters that affects the nation as a whole, then maybe he should let the person who is calling all the shots in the party take over one time. I understand your commitment to him, because you believe people are just being so hard on him and you have sympathy for him and I wish I could sympathize with the pussy cat as well, but until this matter with EMR is resolved my sympathy lies with those boys who were raped.

  22. @Kim Sands
    I keep telling yall that the PLP is going through the troubles that it is going through because PC is now surrounded by people who want to bring him down!! I don’t blame PC for his inaction.. The PLP’s chairlady is seriously MISGUIDING PC to make him look bad..

    And there are others who are betraying PC like the person who leaked that report to BP the other day but as long as people like that one is assisting the media, the media tend to like and defend them!! I don’t trust people like that… And BP should know better!!

    BP is NO better than PC or HI who it tends to beat up on every other day!!

    Kim I can assure you that the only reason that PC wants mother Pratt to stay on as his deputy is because he knows that he can trust her but I believe that that will be a big mistake!!

    The chairlady of the PLP and several other PLP MPs are sabotaging PC’s leadership and in the process destroying the PLP!! And all of them need to be dealt with but PC is not known for misusing his powers like HI…

    PC just keeps taking and taking!! Sometimes I feel sorry for him!!

  23. @Objective thought

    Objective Thought I know how you feel about your Perry Christie and I am not getting in your business about it, but I just want know what you think about his silence on the EMR situation? Birbal could perform unnatural sex on underage boys and he does not say a word or get on the government case about having him returned here to face his charges, I just think this would have been the perfect opportunity for him to show the Bahamian people he cares about what is going on in the country. See you all are busy trying to defend the name Perry Christie or Hubert Ingraham, I am just wonder if they feel the same way towards the Bahamian people.



  24. I have said this several times before and I will say it again.. If PC keeps mother Pratt as his running mate, the PLP will loose the next election hands down!!!!

    I hope the persons who can vote for the leaders of the PLP do not even consider mother Pratt as deputy leader!! She needs to keep her word and move off the scene!!

    If mother Pratt changes her mind and runs again in St. Cecilia, which I doubt seriously, I hope Paul Moss runs as an independent and I will be pulling for him to win!!! No disrespect to mother but she and PC are too much alike!!!

    PC needs a strong deputy but I think that he should remain the leader because he is well liked and TRUSTED around the world!! Only in the Bahamas, PC is being called all sorts of names but I am happy to see that he is not giving up!!! I sense that FNMs fear PC as leader of the PLP just like PLPs fear HI!!!

    FNMs will fight to cause PC to quit just like PLPs fought to keep HI from returning!! But just like FNMs brought HI back, PLPs will vote for PC to remain their/our leader!!

    BP it does not matter how much stories you write on these 2 men, they will leave when they are well and ready unless God intervenes first!!!

    • Because Marley, he knows whenever he comes out he will be looking down the barrel of a cocked gun named BP! THE SNITCH BETTER STAY RIGHT WHERE HE IS IN HIDING!


  25. @media
    Media, I see the Guardian indicating that a committee has been formed to examine the report, you mean after two years, Pussy Cat those are just getting to this and forming a committee to waste time. Typical Christie. Committee needed to find his way home, what a loser.

  26. We only wish to ask Christie however, “What would he do with the person(s) when he would have found them having leaked the report to BP?

    Answer: NOTHING!

    What has he done to act upon the results of the report delivered to the PLP from June of 2007, two years ago?

    Answer: NOTHING

    What has Christie done to change his weak image, as explained on page 7 in the report, into a strong one?

    Answer: NOTHING!!!!!

    See members of the Wutless Media in this country should know, that there are REPORTERS in this country, and then there are JOURNALIST! All we ask them to do is this, become the true practitioners of their profession and STOP BEING WUTLESS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

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