The man who wants Michael Pintard’s job was a disaster as Health Minister and was first fired by Minnis, then by the PEOPLE!



Hundreds dead following Hurricane Dorian left in trailers after Heartless Duane Sands failed to issue death certificates.

NASSAU| When a judge had to describe the actions of former Health Minister Duane Sands as “Egregious” it is no wonder the Free National Movement has found themselves in the political wilderness: out of favour and out of touch with the Bahamian people. 

The reality is Duane Sands, the current Chairman of the FNM who by far was fired for good reasons ( BREAKING THE COVID LAWS), should be the last individual seeking service in politics. The FNM is now scraping the bottom of the political dung heap and Sands –  by far -is the worst of the lot!

The man now set to undermine Pintard, coached by Papa, had some comments recently which really pissed BP off. 

We have some words for Duane Sands: people who live in glass houses should not be throwing rock!

Here is Sands’ WUTLESS RECORD: 

Here is a man who we know was behind the breakup of UNIONS when he served as Minister of Health.  Not only did Sands have PISS POOR records as the Health Minister – UNDER HIS WATCH Junior Doctors found themselves unemployed. Nurses marched to Bay Street and young Bahamians who sought a career in science had the ladder removed from them as Sands and CO stopped scholarships for Bahamians to become doctors. Sands IS HEARTLESS!

Look at this: Back on July 25th, 2018 Eyewitness News reported how under Heartless Sands’ leadership the Princess Margaret Hospital’s (PMH) registration desk was being closed to the public on Monday allegedly due to a sick-out by hospital staff.

Eyewitness News reported that the shutdown left dozens inconvenienced, with registration having to be moved to the hospital’s Accident and Emergency (A&E). Yinner think Heartless Sands cared? Strike after strike and walkout after walkout left healthcare in intensive care under Duane Sands. 

And while all this chaos went on, there were no major upgrades unders Sands’ tenure as Minister. There was NO effort to resolve industrial matters. No thought to upgrading the infrastructure or expanding the satellite systems as is presently takig place under the Davis Government! 

Duane Sands is the last man to be anywhere around the hospital, much less speaking as a voice for the FNM! That VOICE OF HEARTLESS SANDS is one Bahamians are not taking seriously and, from the looks of things around here, he will never be listened to again!

We report yinner decide!